How to Make a Great Travel Video (Without Any Previous Experience)


Travel is generally thought to be the best way to expand one’s horizons and acquire new skills. For vacationing explorers, seeing the world, interacting with locals, and learning about other cultures are significant attractions.

Vacationing is an excellent way to relieve stress and find yourself away from it all. Many options are available if you seek an exciting vacation or a peaceful getaway from your everyday life.

Recently, YouTube channels dedicated to documenting trips have gained popularity. People are always eager to visit new places and seek information before arriving. Because of this, travel documentaries are in high demand.

Tips for Building a Compelling Travel Video

Videos taken during vacation are fast becoming the second most relied-upon source of information about potential vacation spots, surpassing travel blogs. This article will cover various techniques for creating breathtaking traveling videos.

Decide Where You Want to Go

When traveling, it’s fun to discover new places, but if you want to record a film documenting your trip, outline your travel plans in advance. 

It won’t just give you a better understanding of the places you’ll be passing through; it’ll also help you prepare for your trip there.

Check out weather reports and photos of the location in advance to see what kind of shots to expect. Timing is also a big deal when shooting the right video.

Picking the Perfect Camera           

You can capture memorable moments on film with the right camera. Choosing the right camera from a sea of options can be tricky. On your trip, you’ll need a DSLR camera, a portable camcorder, or a point-and-shoot camera to take professional-quality pictures and videos.

Anyone interested in capturing their adventures under the waves can benefit from a GoPro underwater camera. Alternatively, you can use your phone instead of buying a camera and accessories. Smartphone photos are becoming increasingly high quality, and there are several ways to make them even better.

Shoot Steadily and Wisely

A tripod can also help you achieve stable shots, which are crucial for professional-looking results. A tripod can also be used to stabilize your camera and enhance the composition of your photos.

No matter your budget, an ideal tripod is available to suit your needs. When selecting the best travel video tripod, you should ensure it can safely support your camera. You can create professional-quality videos with a tripod, even if you are just an amateur. 

Gathering as much information as possible will provide you with many options to explore, so it is best to do so. Many people mistakenly associate “getting enough shots” with “over capturing.” Upon arriving at their destination, it is common for them to begin shooting immediately.

Video trimming in post-production is a time-consuming task, so unnecessary recording clips is pointless. Shots that aren’t crucial to the story are time wasters that will only delay the editing process.

Create a Travel Video with A Narrative

Your story will be more attractive to the reader if you include narrated speech. If you record or video your voiceover, look directly at the camera or speak directly into the microphone to capture it.

Narration can be a meaningful way to reflect on your travels with a broader perspective after returning from a trip. It only requires the writing of a script and recording it.

Shoot from Various Viewpoints

Your travel film will be more engaging to viewers when it includes a variety of camera angles and highlights the attractive features of your vacation destination. It is worth noting that making videos from images is a great way to add a personal touch to your travel videos. 

To keep your viewers engaged, you’ll need to try new techniques and change how you record videos. Try some more complex settings, such as slowing down time or taking photos while driving.

It is essential to take many different types of images. Maintaining variety will make your picture more engaging.

Create a Story

To tell a story, you should connect your photos meaningfully. You might look for common themes or concepts throughout your video.

Storytelling involves developing a chronology so that a sequence of events makes sense when viewed collectively. For your videos to remain attractive, you cannot just put together a bunch of unrelated footage.

Editing your Travel Videos

Creating a professional-quality trip video takes a lot of work, and video editing is significant. Editing is the most time-consuming part of making a video. While editing your trip videos, the first thing to do is to sort and edit the clip using a decent video editor. It can significantly enhance your travel videos’ quality and presentation. If you are a beginner at video editing, doing the same can be quite daunting, as you cannot be sure what footage to add and what to edit.

It’s time to take a break and review the clip you shot during the trip. Highlight the most memorable moments and cut those that didn’t work out. Don’t upload shaky, blurry videos unless you shot something genuinely extraordinary.

When choosing the clips, consider the narrative you are trying to tell and how the techniques can be used to create a video that embodies that story. You may want to use an editing tool to remove unnecessary footage from your final vacation film to make it more concise and visually appealing.

Add Some Music

Adding music to your travel videos can make a huge difference, whether you’re a professional videographer or simply capturing some memories of your vacation. Whether your video consists of background music, speech, or both, high-quality videos must have audio. 

It can also be used to conceal any editing flaws in your videos. This is an excellent option if you need to make a video but have little experience with recording or editing. Moreover, it has the potential to bring back memories that are consistent with your travel experiences. 

With the help of this, you’ll also be able to make a picture video with music that will capture your precious memories perfectly.

Consistency is the Key to Success

The most popular trip video creators tend to be more consistent than those just starting, which sets them apart from the competition. Consistency is a trademark of those with more experience. 

It is highly recommended that you post videos from your travels regularly, as this strategy is the only way to be noticed and advance in your career.

Watch Several Travel Videos

Writing is an art, and reading helps you refine your craft as much as writing does. This applies to everything else; learning is a lifelong journey, and we can learn new things from others no matter how experienced.

Watching trip videos is the most effective way to get inspired to create your next film or video project. Travel videos are an excellent way to broaden your ability to appreciate visual art and encourage you to develop new ideas.

Using your newly acquired knowledge, you’ll soon be able to create something truly remarkable when you begin shooting.

The Bottom Line

The popularity of travel videos and making picture videos with music cannot be denied. Whether you’re an experienced traveler or just starting abroad, watching back a film of your adventures is a great way to relive your adventures. Taking a camera along on your travels is a great way to relive happy experiences and share them with loved ones, plus it adds a touch of fun to view them later.

As you gain a new understanding of travel videography, it’s time to begin planning your next adventure. As with any skill, it takes practice to master. Practicing this procedure will make you more proficient. Keep your patience. If you follow these suggestions, you will immediately see a significant improvement in the quality of your films.