Know About the Ten Most Common Myths around Green Living

Know About the Ten Most Common Myths around Green Living

Nowadays, our planet suffers from the three biggest issues- pollution, global warming, and climate change. Over the period, our insensitive utilitarian urban lifestyle did a lot of harm to the nature of the earth and all living creatures.

The world’s climate has changed drastically, weather patterns have become disrupted, storms have become more severe and frequent, drought has increased, sea levels have started rising, glaciers have started melting, and many plants and animals have become extinct. As a result of pollution, the risks of heart disease, respiratory problems, lung complications, etc., have increased a lot.

Now, if we do not take immediate actions to save our planet’s environment, it will be too late. Often, we do not know what we can do to prevent the world from destruction. Here green living plays a vital role.

If at least 50% of our world population adapts to this environmentally-friendly lifestyle, the conservation of the ecosystem and biodiversity of the planet will become easier. The main principles of green living include sustainable food, renewable energy, clean transportation, eco-friendly homes, proper water usage, and proper waste disposal. But some misconceptions around green living prevent people from taking any necessary action.

In this article, let us debunk the ten myths about green living:

There is No Solution To Plastic Pollution

Though we cannot get rid of plastic, it is possible to get rid of disposable plastics. We can easily replace disposable plastic items with biodegradable products. For example, a cotton or jute bag can be used as a green alternative to plastic carry bags. We can also reuse and recycle some plastic products in our homes. For example, we can decorate plastic containers as flower vases.

Green Living Increases a Lot of Expenditure

Many people believe that green living is not convenient for them as they associate this lifestyle with huge expenses. But this is not true. Green living always does not require a lot of money, and green living includes all small changes taken by individuals on personal levels. Instead of driving a car, traveling by bicycle will save money yet reduce pollution and the greenhouse effect. If one turns off electric lights and fans when not required, this small action will take us one step towards a green planet.

For the Environment, Paper is Better Than Plastic

Often, we suggest people use paper bags instead of plastic carry bags for groceries. Though most of us prefer paper to plastic as (paper) is biodegradable, paper is not completely environmentally friendly. Many resources are required to make paper, and some people even claim that paper emits more greenhouse gases during their lifetime than plastic products, and it proves that neither plastic nor paper is a good option.

Small Changes Have No Effect

This is the biggest misconception around green living. Though one individual alone cannot solve the problem by their small actions, combined small efforts by individuals can bring a lot of transformation. Besides, our good actions often inspire many people around us to do the same. So, if we start taking care of our planet, many people will imitate us, bringing surprising results for the environment.

One Should Deprive Themselves of Their Favorite Things

Often, people think that green living is about renouncing the utilization of modern appliances. They believe that they have to deprive themselves of their favorite products to adopt this lifestyle. But it is not true. Green living is an intelligent, eco-friendly way of living that lets people use the environmentally-friendly versions of the same products they love.

Green Living is Nothing but Reusing and Recycling Plastics

Often, people think that green living is all about reusing and recycling plastic products. But this notion is completely wrong. Of course, reusing and recycling plastics are parts of green living. But green living is a broad term, and all our environmental movements are green activities.

Green Living is Beneficial Only For The Environment

Green living is essential to save the environment. But it helps human beings also. If we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions or plant more trees, it will save humanity from the risks of many diseases. If we adopt green living, our future generation does not have to suffer from a lack of natural resources.

Sustainable Healthy Foods are High-priced

Often in the grocery stores, ‘green food’ is sold at a high price. But it does not mean that they are always expensive. If we purchase green fruits, vegetables, and other sustainable foods from local markets, we will get them affordable, and it will save our pocket from paying extra transport costs.

Driving is Better Than Flying

Sometimes in green living people prefer driving to flying as planes use a lot of fuels than cars. But it is also true that a flight carries hundreds of people to reach a destination. Compared to a hundred cars, one plane burns less fuel. But if a car carries more than five people, it would be an eco-friendlier option than the plane.

A Sustainable Lifestyle Requires Expensive Instruments

People often think they have to purchase expensive energy-efficient appliances to maintain a sustainable lifestyle, and this myth should also be debunked. As we have already said, green living includes all small steps we take to save the environment. One needs not to empty their pocket to purchase eco-friendly gadgets for living green, and one should buy eco-friendly appliances only if one feels the price is accurate.

We should always remember that we are not apart from nature. Our body is made up of natural elements. If we do not live in harmony with nature, we will invite our destruction. Green living does not require drastic changes in our way of living. If we can love our planet and take sincere, sensitive, and sustainable actions, the nature of our planet will surely bless us with health and happiness.

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