Gamik Technologies Private Limited | Anagrams of Gamik in Scrabble

The company Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRIVE LIMITED is an ACTIVE private limited company that was incorporated on 26/03/2021 in India. The legal form of this company is a Private Limited Company and is classified as a Non-govt firm. The paid-up capital of this company is INR 50000. Its NIC CODE is 63030.

Non-Government Company

The Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRIVE LIMITED is a Maharashtra based company that was incorporated in 2021. It is a Non-government company and is registered with the Registrar of Companies(ROC), Maharashtra. The company’s registered address is 101, 1st Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2, Chitalsar Mannada Thane. The GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATES LIMITED: Scrabble Anagrams

The Company’s name is Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRIVELTY. The company was incorporated on the 26th of March 2021. The company is a Non-govt Limited Company and is registered at the ROC, Maharashtra. The company’s status is Active. Its registration date was 2021-03-26.

Two Letters

The name GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVICE LIMITED in Scrabble has two letters: SCRABBLE AND GAM-TECHNOLOGIES, INC. The Company has its registered office address at 101, 1st Floor, Commercial Building IA, Plot No 48/2, Chitalsar Mannada Thane, Maharashtra.

GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED is an unlisted private company in Maharashtra. Its address is 101, 1 St Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2, Thane. Its current status is Active. There are no fees or charges associated with this company. Its directors are Soumya Praash Mishra and Suraj Mishra.

Address of Gamik Technologies Private

The company’s registered address is 101, 1st Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2, Thane. It is a non-govt and private limited company. The registered address of Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED is 2021-03-26. It is a Non-govt, NON-Grant-A Shares-Pvt. LTD.

The name of the company is GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVICE LIMITED. This is an unlisted privately held company in Maharashtra, and is a Non-govt, NGO, and a Pvt.V. (Gamik) stands for “Gamik” in Scrabble.

Commercial Building

The company’s name is GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVICE LIMITED. Its address is 101, 1st Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2. Its primary location is in Chitalsar Mannada Thane. The company has two directors: Soumya Praash Mishra and Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED.

The name GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVICE LIMITED is an unlisted, private company in Maharashtra, India. The registered office is at Plot No 48/2, near Lawkim Ind. The company has no employees. Its shareholders include Soumya Praash Mishra and Anand Mishra.

Authorized Capital

The company name GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED is an anagram of the word “technology”. The company was incorporated on 26 March 2021 and is registered with the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra. The authorized capital is INR 1,500,000 and the paid up capital is INR 50,000.

The company name GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED is an anagram of the word “technology”. The company is a private limited company registered in India. The NIC code for the company is 63030. The name GAMIK is an anagram of the word “technology”. In Scrabble, the company is represented as a scribble tile.

Private Unlisted Company

Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED is a private unlisted company in India. The NIC code of GAMIK is 63030. The company is engaged in transport, storage, communications and other related fields. The SIC code of GAMIK is 6301. There are no charges associated with the company. There are 0 documents available for download. The status of the company is Active.

Besides GAMIK in Scrabble, Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED in Scrabble! The company was registered in Maharashtra on 2021-03-26. Its registered office is located at Chitalsar Mannada Thane, Maharashtra. Its SIC code is 63030. The company is an unlisted private company.


ABISIC Code of GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED in Scrabble: The company is registered in Maharashtra. It is a private, unlisted company that deals in transport, storage, and communications. The SIC code is 63030. The other similar companies are listed below. Dispozitie GAMIK TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATIVE LIMITED

‘Gamik’ in Scrabble: The company is registered in Maharashtra. Its address is 101, 1st Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2, and is in Chitalsar Mannada Thane. The company has a NIC code of 63030 and is a Private Limited.

Transportation & Storage

The company is based in Maharashtra. Its address is 101, 1 St Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2, Thane. The SIC code is 63030. The company is involved in transportation and storage. In Scrabble, GAMIK is listed under “technology”. There are other companies in India that are similar to Gamik in Scrabble.

The company is headquartered in Maharashtra. Its NIC code is 63030. It is a Non-govt (Non-govt) Limited By Shares. The NIC code of Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRVIAL LIMITED corresponds to its NIC number 66030. The business is engaged in transport, storage, and communications.


Gamik TECHNOLOGIES PRVATE LIMITED is a company based in Maharashtra. Its registered address is 101, 1 St Floor, Commercial Building I A, Plot No 48/2, Thane, Maharashtra. The company has 0 employees and is a privately owned, non-govt (NGO) corporation.