All of us know that desert plants grow in pure sand. However, it is not the same for other plants on the Earth. Every plant requires different amount of nutrients and minerals present in the soil. So, now the question arises what is the use of sand in the garden soil?
Here’s the answer, sand contains organic materials that maintain the fertility of the soil. Hence, the presence of sand in the soil allows the plants to grow with the right amount of water. Also, sandy soil prevents water logging.
What is Sand?
Sand is a granulated mixture of rock, which is mainly found on the beachside, riverbeds, and desert areas. Its color & texture depends on the source where it comes from. The granular particles in sand do not hold much water and allow the air to pass freely through it. Moreover, when you mix proper amount of sand with soil, it increases its fertility.. It ensures that the plantation gets the right amount of water and other minerals for proper growth. Thus, the only thing you need to know is the ideal amount of sand and soil for plantation.
Which Type of Sand is best for Gardening?
Furthermore, there are different types of sand available like all-purpose sand, play sand, masonry sand, etc. Many artificial and processed sands are also available in the market. But out of all these sands, the best option available for gardening is the ‘River Sand’. Hence, it is made as a result of rocks eroded by the river water. River sand is one of the healthiest sands you can add to the soil used for gardening. However, the mixture of sand and soil depends on the type of plantation you choose.
Why is River Sand Good for Gardening?
There are a lot of benefits of adding sand with garden soil if added in adequate proportion. Mixing the soil and said incorrectly is hazardous for the plant.
So, Without any Further Dues Let’s Know About The Advantages of Adding Sand to The Garden Soil in Detail:
- As we all know, sand heats up faster. So adding sand will maintain the temperature of the soil and lead to a better germination process.
- Secondly, sand has coarse granular particles. So adding sand to the garden soil will prevent water logging and soil clumping. This enhances the airflow and keeps the plantation aerated. Also, it improves airflow to help the microbes to survive in the soil. As a result, it maintains the fertility and the quality of the soil.
- Thirdly, sandy soil is very beneficial for flowering plants and root crops. Fibrous roots get proper space to spread in the sandy soil.
- Another benefit of adding sand to the garden soil is that it’s easy to clean. This soil does not stick to the roots like the clay soil.
- Additionally, sandy soil makes the procedure of irrigation, harvesting, and removing weeds relatively easier. It is because; it absorbs water quickly and does not get compact and hard while digging.
Henceforth, now, you know that adding sand to the garden soil is advantageous for the growth of plants. But everything has its pros & cons. Similarly, there are many things that you need to keep in mind while adding sand to your garden soil.
Here, are Some Tips That You Need to Keep in Mind While Adding Sand to the Garden Soil:
- You should always know the proper amount of sand that should be added to the soil.
- There are certain types of soil like prairie soil that do not require the addition of sand.
- Add a proper amount of compost to the sandy soil to maintain its water retention capacity.
In conclusion, sand is an important component to make your plant healthier and fresh. Henceforth, you must be careful; to mix the sand and soil properly to get the best results.