6 Easy Ways to Easily Optimize GoogleAd Performance

6 Easy Ways to Easily Optimize GoogleAd Performance

If you’ve started creating Google advertising campaigns, you’re in luck. You invest money, have a strategy, and run your campaigns! You are thrilled to see the results begin to flow … and then you are more likely to feel like an escape than the flood you expect.

Unfortunately, this is very common. Google Ads can deliver immediate results, but you need to know how to optimize your campaigns successfully to achieve them.


No matter what your Google Ads are currently doing, in this post, we’ll show you 6 ways to quickly improve your performance to get the results you expect.


Perform Regular A/B Tests


It’s not as easy as just toggling a switch or making a change in your ad account and increasing your ROAS.


A / B testing is important, even if you are an experienced Google Ads specialist who has seen it all. Every audience is different, and every brand is different, and both can always evolve. Testing keywords, ads, bidding strategies, bids, target audiences, etc., is something you need to think about.


Also, keep in mind that the more information Google has about your brand and campaigns, the better it can optimize your search and Google Ads campaigns. A lot of data is better for all parties involved.


We strongly recommend devoting part of your budget to A / B testing only. Be sure to evaluate one variable per test or copy, keyword bid, or target audience. Otherwise, the tests will not tell you which factor was affected.


Take a Look at Your Quality Score


Quality Score is like a diagnostic tool to help you assess the status and status of your advertising campaigns.


  • Do they have strong CTR values?
  • Are they relevant to the user and their search goal?
  • Do they send users to the appropriate landing pages?


If so, your Quality Score will increase. Your ad’s ranking may increase along with your Quality Score, which can affect your delivery, while the cost-per-click for your ad will usually decrease significantly.


Here are some quick tips to improve your brand (and optimize Google Ads performance):


  • Use smaller key phrases.
  • If necessary, use audience segments to show the ad to specific users or exclude certain users from viewing the ad.
  • Create special offers in your case that increase the likelihood of users clicking, such as a free sample offer or time-limited discounts
  • Make sure your landing page is directly related to the ads your users submit and that the page is well written, explains your offer or product well, and is optimized for fast loading.


Use Small Key Phrases


It is common to mistake advertisers and brands make getting in, finding every keyword used for their target audience, and they all want to fall into one or two campaigns. It’s easier to watch them like that.

However, this is one of the worst things you can do in many cases. It’s more effective to choose smaller, more stringent keyword phrases and write for each targeted copy of your ad.


To do this, you can:


  • It’s easier to make relevant copies for each keyword.
  • Choose the appropriate bids and budgets for each ad group.
  • It’s better to know which keywords work for you.


Think About Who You Don’t Want to Attract


Knowing who you want your ad to be can be as important as knowing who won’t see your ad.


Negative keywords help with search ads, which increases the chances that relevant users will find your campaigns.


You can also use other targeting types that aren’t included.


If you only serve local customers, you can be sure that your ad will appear only within the zip code.


You can also ensure that users see your displayed ads only if they belong to a certain age group, gender, household income, or parental status. Ask yourself who your target audience is and how you can prevent users from seeing your ad. This is a quick way to optimize the performance of Google ads quickly.


Add Extensions to Your Ads


Google Ads extensions are a quick way to optimize the performance of your Google ads, and because they’re 1) free and 2) easy to set up, there’s no reason not to use them.


Extensions allow you to add additional information or snippets to your ad, highlighting it and giving you more opportunities to engage your audience simultaneously. And because Google automatically adds add-ons to ads when they’re considered relevant to a user’s search, there’s no downtime. Below are two different types of ad extensions. The call extension allows a brand to display one phone number, and another allows brands to mark additional links to their site.


Keep in mind that you can add as many add-ons as you want to each campaign; there is no limit. Just focus on the information that will help many users convert and get started.


Add Keywords Directly to Copy


Placing the keywords, you target directly in your ad text is a quick and easy way to improve your Google Ads results for several reasons:


  • This will show Google that your ad is relevant to your search.
  • This will show the user that your ad is directly relevant to the search
  • It also helps you stay focused.


Google will highlight the keyword that the user is searching for when it appears in your ad, which will help your ad stand out. Narrower keyword groups help to do this, so make sure you get the right keywords in the right ads.


Depending on your campaign, you can also use dynamic keyword insertion, but this can be difficult depending on what you offer and how you promote it.


Final Thoughts


Knowing how to optimize your Google Ads campaigns for rapid performance improvements is essential to getting you closer to maximizing your advertising ROI (ROAS) and making the most of your advertising spend. While building strong campaigns can be a continuous process, these optimization hacks are good to start.


Want to learn more about optimizing Google advertising campaigns? Get in touch with ESage Digital a top-rated Google ads agency in Jaipur!

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